not prepared?
From Tennis Idol to Hip Hop Honey?
What impact does it have on her aspiring young tennis hopefuls? that to get into the top of their game they got to use sex as their biggest skill?
Serena Williams Booty Shaking for Rapper Drake
Here is a powerful article from a well known tennis coach Scott Paschal, about the subject of Serena and her sexuality. please note none of Scott Paschal opinions resonate with truthperfected.
Honestly, it was pretty weird.
Serena Williams… right in front of me… nude. I have the picture etched into my mind. There she was wearing nothing but shiny, high heeled shoes with a silver tint.
When I saw her I froze, not knowing what to say or do.
Serena Williams, the one fighting for women’s rights?, the one thanking God after big wins at Slams?, the one working for racial equality?… exposing herself in front of so many people.
She looked like a stripper at an all nude bar.
In Serena’s left hand she was holding what looked like two white carnations. She was holding them in a way to attempt to cover a certain private area from behind.
We all froze.

Serena Williams… the Serena Williams… the hero of so many… what was happening!?
And what will be the repercussions…? She has to know photos of her like these will cover the globe…. What will be the ripple effects?
You see, sexual abuse in junior tennis runs rampant worldwide.
As many of you know, I have dealt with both homosexual and heterosexual pedophiles posing as tennis pros and Christian leaders.
A conservative estimate is that over 50% of all female students I have coached during my 22+ year career have told me (or their parents have told me) they had been sexually abused at some point.
Now, forcing her poor decision into my mind was one of the top 5 most famous female athletes in the world stripping… and she knew the world would discover… she knew it, she planned it, and it seems she didn’t give a rip about anything but her pocketbook.
And she gave ammo to predators who use porn to “soften up” the children they victimize. They will tell little girls and boys… “Look, Serena does it… why don’t you? Serena thinks it is ok to fondle her breasts in front of others… don’t you want to be like such a famous person…?”
From Fiji to Ukraine to California to Florida, like they did to become Catholic priests, it seems pedophiles line up to become tennis pros.
Did you know that I can’t locate even one tennis teacher certification organization which runs any type of background check on current or potential tennis pros!?
Pedophiles know this. They pay about $250 for membership to a tennis pro organization, take a basic tennis pro certification test that most 2.5 NTRP players with basic tennis knowledge could pass, and are “officially” certified and professional in the eyes of the general public.
So, after the molestation, after the rapes, after the sexual abuse of tennis pros towards 9 year old girls, after homosexual pedophiles rape young boys and get them hooked on porn and drugs, after families are ripped apart, after young lives are forever shredded…

Gene Scott founded Tennis Week Magazine. Gene was arguable among the most influential people in tennis.
The first day I met Gene was when he came to my ministry’s booth at the world’s 5th largest pro tournament. He had stood watching us for about 20 minutes as we talked with lots of people. I knew he was really curious about us and was listening to every word.
Then, he and his two friends came up to our table and asked to sign up as members of the International Christian Tennis Association. He signed up his whole family.
Gene then spent the next two years opening doors for ICTA.
I came to know Gene as honest, direct, experienced, and kind hearted. I also came to know his magazine as a class act.

Anyone who knew Gene will tell you Gene doesn’t get scared.
We talked both privately, and with my friend John Ippolitto, about tennis and about faith. Just 3 guys late at night at a resort in the Caribbean spending God-appointed time together.
Gene wrote me shortly after he returned to New York. His email was, as usual, short and to the point. He told me he had found his faith!
Suddenly, about 8 weeks later, Gene died. I was told this during the same tournament where I had met him. Honestly, I was really saddened. Even though I was so glad he would spend eternity in heaven, I hurt.
My friend, David Nasser, told me something I have never forgotten. He said maybe God led Gene to our Christian outreach booth as Gene’s body was beginning its end, and that the friendship Gene and I developed ultimately led to my being able to witness to Gene in the Bahamas.
What does Serena Williams posing nude, sexual abuse in tennis, and Gene Scott all being mentioned together have to do with anything?

What was once a tennis insider’s magazine to pro events owned by a truly great man, now has pornography.
You see, in the US OPEN edition of the “new” Tennis Week magazine, Serena Williams is on page 19… totally nude. For all kids ages 2 to 20 and beyond, Serena is stripping for the masses…
Right below Serena’s ridiculous picture and on the same page is an article about one of Gene’s best friends, Bud Collins. And on the same page right next to Serena’s nude, stripper pose is a 1/2 page advertisement for Saddlebrook Tennis Academy.
The whole scene was disturbing.
In her defense, maybe Serena is just clueless. Maybe she is so out of touch with the reality of sexual slavery worldwide she has no idea the aftermath of abuse other children could endure because of her forcing her naked body into the minds of others.
Sexual abuse is sexual slavery and the Serena I’ve known in the past wouldn’t stand for supporting such horrific abuse towards young children. Why she has seemingly changed so drastically, I have no idea.
With her nude photos, Serena is basically telling girls it is ok to expose yourself publicly, she is telling boys it is ok to ask

It seems to happen all the time… a great American kid becomes famous.
Soon after, as they hit their early 20′s they start losing their clothes to become more famous while abandoning their roots which got them their successful start.
Anna Nicole Smith and Britney Spears come to mind…
Before I wrap this up, several other pictures of Serena have been brought to my attention. A quick internet search confirmed they are of Serena.
One is of her in a red dress which is completely see-through in the chest area leaving the viewer no doubt and needing no imagination as to what her breasts look like. Another is an exposed crotch shot, think a stoned Brittiny Spears partying with Paris Hilton, of her getting out of a car while wearing what looks like the same dress.
She is wearing this dress at a place where literally dozens of photographers are taking pictures at a celebrity event.
Like I said earlier, it’s just weird.
As a tennis insider with literally hundreds of contacts within the industry, I am working tirelessly to defend the rights of children from sexual predators posing as tennis pros.
To help me, the tennis industry could stop exploiting women as sex. Didn’t the WTA learn anything from Hantuchova? Can Tennis Week realize pornography can harm youth? Can’t the USTA stop endorsing organizations promoting the porn which can lead female junior players worldwide into sexual slavery from pedophile tennis pros.
Possibly you could take a few minutes and write to me about your thoughts about Serena, Tennis Week, IMG, WTA, and the USTA or just tennis in general.

They have influence and they want to do the right thing for all concerned.
If you let me know your thoughts, we can contact each organization and represent the over 85% of America which is Christian.
Your voice matters. As a collective, your voice is powerful.
Even more than your voice, your prayers are needed.
With tennis gambling, sexual abuse, steroids & drugs, physical abuse, the fact that possibly 80% of tennis players worldwide are not Christian, alcohol abuse… with tennis being the sport of the rich, thus the sport of many, many lost people who worship their careers, bank accounts, and credit lines… tennis is a dark place in need of light.
Tennis, the millions of people who comprise the sport, needs help.
The harvest field of tennis needs workers.
Pro players need your prayers, coaches need your prayers, my ministry needs your prayers, our missionaries need your prayers, tennis fans and players from Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, France, Czech,

Serena Williams needs your prayers.
Finally, I totally expect some type of backlash for exposing this situation.
Many people and organizations prey on kids, especially sexually, and I expect a few of them will want to try to shut me up!!
I know some pedophile or child abuser somewhere will hide behind his computer monitor and use his keyboard to bash me in a defamatory article, or someone will contact a major pro tournament trying to manipulate them into not allowing me to lease a booth, or my friends and family will receive emails bashing me as a cult leader or something.
Yet, who cares!? Anyone who knows me knows I don’t give a rip what a child predator thinks about me! They can write anything they want from the jail cell I help put them in!
Not only is my ministry well armed with attorney ICTA members who will help protect me from defamatory and libelous statements, but I also really don’t care if some moron bashes me.
As long as it’s a legal bashing, which as being legal I would call it criticism instead of bashing, I’m good to go!!
Some of the best lessons I’ve learned in ministry have come from people criticizing me!
Actually, criticism is awesome! Plus, criticism motivates me to work even harder.

First, pray. Next, get your free 2008 ICTA membership and make your voice count. Then, connect your friends with ICTA.
I’ll even make you a deal… for every 30 people you get to become ICTA members in Jan or Feb, I’ll give you an official ICTA Tshirt for FREE. And I’ll even pay the shipping to most countries, no problem!
God bless,
Scott Paschal
International Christian Tennis Association, President
Ultimate Impact Tennis Academy, Owner
The "powers that be", finally got to her after all this time and that is what happened to Serena! Let's not delude ourselves into thinking you will be permitted to have a strong Black role model in this day and age when the people in control of the government, Hollywood, and even the heads of the so called "Christian" churches (with their 501.c3 government charters) are nothing more than Masonic Baphomet worshiping foot soldiers!
ReplyLook at what they are doing to Lauren Hill she refused to sell out and turned down a deal to be in a movie that would have portrayed her having sex with that homosexual loon Tom Cruise and now they are attempting to ruin her! These devils will not allow any hero role model types unless they give them us properly manufactured through the system and are ready to demoralize humanity in some way, and if you don't play "The Game", and you have substantial influence then they will set you up and ruin you until to cave in, or they will kill you!
Entertainers, including female athletes, pose nude all the time. It's a form of artistic expression. The human body is not shameful, this has nothing to do with 'Christianity' as you suggested. And you are delusional for writing this lengthy article obsessing over this woman.
Replyyou both, as well as this site, are completely loony
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